I am a B+ Student

Weekly Journal
Transformatio #15
16 April 2021

Iam a B+ Student

… be aware of the stories you tell yourself …

I used to have negative self-talk to myself and I realized how it impacted my learning. I remember when I read my first semester results which have lots B rather A mark.   I spontaneously said to my self that It is B-grade results.  And my mind confirms it as a Yes-statement. The confirmation power of yes has transformed my thought “this is a B-Grade result” into a belief “Iam a B+ Student”.  That belief stays as commands to my nervous system.  It makes me believe that I don’t deserve to get the A mark. It is simply impossible for me.    It affected my learning.   It slowly erodes my confidence.

The confirmation power of yes has transformed my thought “this is a B-Grade result” into a belief “Iam a B+ Student”. That belief stays as commands to my nervous system. It slowly erodes my confidence.

Our bodies, our societies, and our universe form ecology of systems and sub-systems all of which interact with and mutually influence each other. Our unconscious mind absorbs everything we tell them, positive or negative words, without any question or any filters. Then, our own body changes in response to what happened in our minds.   

Imagine what happens inside the warehouse of your memory (mind-body), If you keep telling yourself the unresourceful stories, You will fill your house (mind-body) with crap and it smells unpleasant.  It creates spiral down effects on yourself, to your mental health, to your confidence in doing the things you want to do, or to how do you value yourself.

After understanding this principle, I started to be aware of this, and it helps me to be more accepting and in-charge.   This sense of awareness and acceptance itself already guide me to the route to confidence.  Of course, there are tools, techniques, coaching, exercises that I need to go through.  Building confidence is building a skill. It can be learned. It requires time and commitment.

How has your self-talk impacted your self-esteem or self-confidence? 

Building confidence is building a skill. It can be learned.
It requires time and commitment.  Act Now!!

Hany Gungoro, CFA
Financial & Career Meta Coach | ICreateME & ThinkMap Profiler